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  • Annual General Meeting (AGM) Saturday 3 Feburary 2018

Annual General Meeting (AGM) Saturday 3 Feburary 2018

  • 03/02/2018
  • 17:30 - 19:00 (CET)
  • Quakers Hall, 13, Avenue du Mervelet, 1209 Geneva


Registration is closed



Dear Member,

Please find enclosed links to the approval of minutes of AGM held on 26 February 2017, newsletter providing detailed report of our activities for 2017 and the audited statement of accounts for 2017. You are cordially invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 03 February 2018 from 17:30 hrs  at Quakers Hall, 13, Avenue du Mervelet, 1209 Geneva. The proposed draft agenda is as under:

Any member unable to participate may authorize another member to exercise his/her right to vote by proxy, which shall reach the Secretary in writing 48 hours before the assembly. The number of proxies is limited to the number of members in the family plus one additional member.
Please bring your copies of documents to the meeting. Look forward to your participation.
Best wishes from your Executive Committee at IAG.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Maneesh Wadhwa  
President – Indian Association Geneva

Direction by Public Transport
Bus no. 10 \ Tram 14, 18 (stop – Bouchet)
If you take the tram, you have to cross a small road. As you get down from the bus, you will see a small coffee shop and Centre Chrétien de Bouchet/Librarie EAU-VIVE in front of you. On the left hand side of the coffee shop, you will see a small one-way street going up. This street is called Charles GEORG. Go straight. At the end of the street, you enter Avenue Mervelet. Number 13 is on your left. The place is called United Nations Quakers Office. This is a two-story house with two gates. You have to enter through the wide gate, walk a bit and enter the building. The hall is situated on the ground floor.

Contact Details:

Case Postale 2,
1211 Geneva 20 CIC

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