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  • "Yoga - Power of Inclusiveness" in Conversation with Sadhguru

"Yoga - Power of Inclusiveness" in Conversation with Sadhguru

  • 27/06/2019
  • 17:00 - 19:00 (CEST)
  • Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, Geneva


Dear Member,

To celebrate United Nations International Day of Yoga 2019, Indian Association Geneva on the behalf of Permanent Mission of India, Geneva invites you to a special event "Yoga - Power of Inclusiveness" in conversation with Sadhguru on  Thursday, June 27, 2019 starting 17:00 hrs at Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Invitation from H.E. Ambassador Rajiv Kumar Chander, Permanent Representative of India to UN, Geneva is enclosed for your reference.

Please note, access pass is mandatory for entry to the venue, register at http://reg.unog.ch/e/UnitedNationsIDY (photo upload required) for issuance of UN access pass and minimum age for entry is 16 years and above. 

We encourage to register quickly, as we expect this event to reach capacity within a short time.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Kind Regards

IAG Executive Committee

Contact Details:

Case Postale 2,
1211 Geneva 20 CIC

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