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  • Discourse with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji on Digital Wellbeing: Navigating the Information Age

Discourse with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji on Digital Wellbeing: Navigating the Information Age

  • 20/06/2024
  • 16:00 - 18:00
  • Room XVIII, Level 1. Building E, Palais des Nations, Geneva

The Permanent Mission of India to the United Nation and other International Organizations and the Consulate General of India, Geneva, in association with The Art of Living and World Forum for Ethnics in Business with support from Indian Association Geneva, will be organizing a discourse on "Digital Wellbeing: Navigating the Information Age"  with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji, internationally renowned Indian humanitarian leader, Peacemaker, Yogi and Guru, on Thursday, 20th June 2024 at 16:00 hrs, at  Room XVIII, Level 1. Building E, Palais des Nations, Geneva. The discourse will be followed by a Reception

Registration for participation is on “First Come First Served” basis, and can be done at https://indico.un.org/event/1011806/

It is highlighted that there are limited number of seats available at the venue, and once all seats are taken, the mandatory registration shall close, and no further request for registration can be entertained.   

We look forward to welcoming all of you.  

Kind regards

Dr. Maneesh Wadhwa

President - Indian Association Geneva

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1211 Geneva 20 CIC

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