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  • Conversation with PV Rajagopal, initiator of JaiJagat2020 : A World March for Justice and Peace

Conversation with PV Rajagopal, initiator of JaiJagat2020 : A World March for Justice and Peace

  • 17/03/2019
  • 16:00 - 18:00 (CET)
  • Résidence Universitaire Internationale, Rue Rothschild 22, Geneva 1202


  • Free Entry

Registration is closed



Dear Member,

You are cordially invited to attend “Conversation with PV Rajagopal on Sunday, March 17, 2019 starting 16:00 hrs at Résidence Universitaire Internationale.  

This will be a special opportunity for you to meet with and hear directly from PV Rajagopal, leader of the JaiJagat2020 campaign and a Gandhian activist sometimes referred to as the ‘new Gandhi’.   Jai Jagat means ‘the victory of the world’ in Hindi, and the JaiJagat2020 campaign focuses on building an inclusive world based on principles of peace and justice – a timely initiative in the year of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.  

In October 2019, thousands of marchers committed to non-violence as a global strategy for change will start a march from India, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Mali, Senegal, Spain and other countries, ending in Geneva in October 2020. The marchers will be welcomed by the City of Geneva.   

We hope you will join us for this inspirational talk, and also share your ideas on how Indians in Geneva can show solidarity with this initiative which showcases our social and cultural heritage and our values by keeping Mahatma Gandhi's message alive.   

Registration is required, please register  before March 13, 2019.     

The talk will be followed by networking over refreshments.

Looking forward to seeing you, and please feel free to invite and send the attached flyer to your friends and colleagues.

Kind Regards

IAG Executive Committee

Directions to reach the venue
By public transport: 10 minute walk from the Cornavin Geneva train station. Buses 1 and 25 (1 minute walk from Gautier stop) and Bus 15 (4 minute walk from Butini stop).
By Car: The venue is a 5 minute walk from Parking Hotel Wilson.

Contact Details:

Case Postale 2,
1211 Geneva 20 CIC

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