Dear Member
The Permanent Mission of India in Geneva, World Intellectual Property Organization and Indian Association Geneva is showcasing the rich cultural traditions of India and also the achievements of modern India. You are invited to attend “NAMASTE GENEVA 2019 - A Celebration of Indian Culture” at WIPO Headquarters in Geneva on Saturday, September 21, 2019, 15:00 - 18:00 hrs followed by a reception.
The event includes Indian performing arts by International artists from Ukraine, Switzerland and India, classical to folk dances, free consultations by Swiss and Indian Ayurveda doctors, screening of documentaries on Yoga, tourism as well as presentations by Indo-Swiss achievers.
If you plan to attend the event, may we request you to please register number of participants attending the event. Further, please make sure you bring Personal Identity Card at the venue, without your Identity card it is not possible to get entry to WIPO.
Please check-out the detailed program of the event.
Look forward to seeing you with friends and family. You are requested to spread a word among your friends to ensure maximum participation.
Kind Regards
IAG Executive Committee
Case Postale 2, 1211 Geneva 20 CIC Switzerland
Copyright @2017 Indian Association Geneva